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April Day



My Story

Hi, my name is April Day, and I am a Star Director with Scentsy. I started this AMAZING journey in 2010 with the simple idea that I wanted the kit, and that I knew I could sell enough to at least make my money back. I took the leap with that idea in mind, and spent that $99 without much expectation or desire to do much with it.

Jump forward to 2022, I am still here!! A Star Director with an AMAZING team!! Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed I could do this! But I did, and I am better for it. Scentsy has touched my life in more ways than I can count. It has blessed me financially, and allowed me to be a stay at home Mama of three. But the blessings haven't stopped there! I have grown into a MUCH stronger & confident person than I ever dreamed I could be. I have made life long friends that I consider family.

Scentsy has also blessed me with FREE travel!!! I'm a small town girl that had never been anywhere UNTIL Scentsy. I NOW HAVE A PASSPORT!!! I'VE BEEN ON A PLANE!!! I've earned free trips to AMAZING places all because I took a chance on this little thing called Scentsy!!!

Scentsy is more than just what I do, it's a part of who I am, and I would't have it any other way!!!

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I just want YOU to be a part of my amazing journey!!!

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